Kimpa Vita & The Kingdom of Kongo

I don’t want to neglect this blog in 2011. Thus, I’ll be crossposting more stuff here to save anyone the trouble of going to subscribe to my DW. Happy New Year! I encountered Kimpa Vita last year in a few paragraphs while reading When We Ruled and those few paragraphs were enough for me to…

In Honour of Osun

Osun is the Yoruba goddess of love, lust, fertility, fresh waters, women’s health, witches and wealth. Osun has been compared to and is sometimes thought of as the Yoruba representation or reincarnations of goddesses from other cultures such as Nekhbet, Sekhmet, the Chinese goddess Kuan Yin and Hindu goddess Laskhmi. Each year a large festival…

A Few Images of Precolonial West African Women

Below are some images Sugabelly put up on FB a while ago that I’m reposting here with her graceful permission. While writing about Nigerian historical dramas, I thought the point I was trying to make there would go down better if everyone saw actual images of African women from the precolonial days. Not everyone (Africans…

Nigerian Historical Dramas?

It is no secret that I am a huge fan of movies and series set in the fictional past. I’d rather watch historical dramas than those set in the modern times. I love all sorts of dramas set in different periods and I tend not to discriminate as I enjoy European historical movies alongside wuxia…

More On The Last Airbender

The Last Airbender will soon be released in America soon and it seems my prayers have already been answered. I am extremely glad that the people who have seen this movie seem not to be impressed. I also hope the movie doesn’t do well at the box office (though one of my primary concerns is…

More On Women In Comics

Image from Nashya’s Deviantart!  I am sure most readers have forgotten that I am also a comic book fan! Back in May, I wrote two posts (that may or may not have been a bit incoherent) about female superheroes; The Female Superhero and Watchmen and Alan Moore Revisted. A few weeks ago, I was in…