‘Demystifying’ African Female Initiation Rites

It makes my blood boil when I hear things coming out the mouths of some Africans that seem more suitable in the mouths of the most extreme and ignorant racists. I do realise that most Africans do not know their own history and most people today associate female initiation with nothing but female genital mutilation.…

The Amazons

I will not be an excellent admirer of badass women and/in history if I do not write about the Amazons so here I go! If you should know something else about me, it is that I like love these righteously ‘hard and cold’ as I like to call them women. Foremost, Amazon literally means ‘without…

Gay Love In History, Take 2

~~You may want to read Take 1 and Take 1.5 before reading this~~ It seems in history what I shall henceforth refer to as ‘the Spartan system’ was in place in several cultures all over the world. We have seen African societies in which homosexual relations were encouraged between boys and men in military style…