A Folktale About Efusentan Aniwura

I promised to share any information I came across on Efusentan Aniwura, one of the three powerful Yoruba women from the early 19th century. I recently came across something on Efunsentan Aniwura while searching for African folktales. This story comes from this course guide on African Communication Systems from the National Open University of Nigeria…

Story, Story!

I have got more Yoruba folktales! I need to share this particular story because I want to explain how much such stories tormented me in my childhood and why today I have sympathy for the evil sister/witch archetype in fairy tales. I hinted this in an earlier post of mine, the truth is I have…

Absolute Destiny Apocalypse, TakeĀ 1

The original post turned out to be excessively long so I broke it down into three parts. I guess it is time for some another manga/anime related post. I have several things to say regarding the many manga I have read and anime that I have watched in the past 3 years (I have reason…