Co(y)smic Yoruba at Chale Wote (2015)

Now I may be the last person writing about Chale Wote 2015 but better late than never right? This is a break from the usual on this blog but I need everyone who visits this page to know how awesome Chale Wote is. Was there for it once and I’ve already decided that it will…

On In-flight Entertainment

Before actually writing about my fun times in Western Asia, can I write about the process of getting there? I counted and in the past weeks I have boarded six planes. SIX. And I am not counting the two flights I had to catch from Abuja to Lagos because I went with Emirates (and came…

Ghana: Kakum + Cape Coast

I spent the Christmas holidays in Ghana and wrote about it! Our next guided tour was to the Kakum National Park and Cape Coast which is home to several colonial castles. Once more we woke up really early in the morning and got into a bus with other Nigerians and off we went on our…

Zheng He’s Star Fleet

In 1414 a Chinese fleet heralded by the Muslim Grand Eunuch of the Three Treasures, Zheng He (also known as Cheng Ho) sailed into the western Indian Ocean for the fourth time since his journey to the East began in 1405. In previously, that is between 1405 and 1414, Zheng He and his ships had…