African Fashion?

My West African Korean friend share a link with me on facebook showing the picture above. She basically said that the models are supposed to be wearing African costumes and I decided to reply as though she had asked me what I thought about the picture. Anyway I told her that I felt it was…

More On Women In Comics

Image from Nashya’s Deviantart!  I am sure most readers have forgotten that I am also a comic book fan! Back in May, I wrote two posts (that may or may not have been a bit incoherent) about female superheroes; The Female Superhero and Watchmen and Alan Moore Revisted. A few weeks ago, I was in…

Homophobia Is A Sin (Updated)

What is up with the Ugandan anti-gay bill? And why does it seem like only a few people are talking about this? I first learnt about this proposed legislation on Shakesville and I personally believe that we, the Africans, should just be as vocally opposed to this law as others seem to be. Under current…

Story, Story- The Real Story

I spent all weekend ‘researching’ and though I did not find much on the representation of women in Yoruba/Nigerian/African folklore (however I did find an great article on morphology in Igbo folklore), I believe I have found the answer I was searching for. As a child I was exposed to both Western fairy tales such…

Story, Story!

I have got more Yoruba folktales! I need to share this particular story because I want to explain how much such stories tormented me in my childhood and why today I have sympathy for the evil sister/witch archetype in fairy tales. I hinted this in an earlier post of mine, the truth is I have…

Absolute Destiny Apocalypse, Take 3

You may wish to read Absolute Destiny Apocalypse, Take 1 & Take 2 to understand what I’m going on about ^^ Revolutionary Girl Utena abounds with many exemplary female characters. Utena is the first example, she is courageous willing to defend her friends. Yet at the same time she is naive, she embodies the innocence***…

Absolute Destiny Apocalypse, Take 2

Continued from Absolute Destiny Apocalypse Take 1. Thanks to of the Prince she met in her youth while mourning the death of her parents, Utena decides to become a prince herself. Though earlier in the show, we do not know the full details behind her meeting with the Prince and her subsequent decision to become…

Absolute Destiny Apocalypse, Take 1

The original post turned out to be excessively long so I broke it down into three parts. I guess it is time for some another manga/anime related post. I have several things to say regarding the many manga I have read and anime that I have watched in the past 3 years (I have reason…

Historical Dramas Rule!

It turns out that all I am asking for from dramas and movies is simply three dimensional female characters. I honestly feel that in most cases not only female characters but also characters of colour and gay characters are portrayed stereotypically and not allowed to develop. One day my Korea-crazy friend sent me a link…